Homemade fudge brownie recipe

Recently I was looking for a easy homemade brownie receipe and this being the first time I was baking Brownies, I needed some trusted receipes and guess where I go in such case; to one and only Sally's Baking Addiction . I have tried receipes from other sources as well but I have to admit,... Continue Reading →

Day trip to Wetzlar, Germany

Wetzlar is a city located in the state of Hesse, Germany and is largely famous for the camera brand Leica headquarters (the camera with the red dot 😉 ) . We visited this town at the beginning of the year and we were not certain how much this town has to offer so we planned... Continue Reading →

Weekend trip to Freiburg am Breisgau

When it comes to travelling and Europe, generally Germany doens't show up on top of that list. Because all the other countries have so much to offer, right? France got Paris, Italy got Rome, Spain got Barcelona and all those pretty beaches and the list goes on, but does Germany has? Well be patient with... Continue Reading →

3 days in Rome travel itinerary

End of April we decided to finally have a small get-away from our busy work lives. As it was planned way late, we missed out on most of the online tickets but somehow we made it work in the end. Flight experienceAs we wanted to only fly from Frankfurt and not some smaller hard to... Continue Reading →

My Workcation in Vancouver

In end of September in 2018 I was lucky enough to be send to the Vancouver-office of the company I am working for to support another team there for two weeks. My trip pretty much started at Frankfurt Airport, here we arrived on time with the shuttle, but already to late. So the queue for... Continue Reading →

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