3 days in Rome travel itinerary

End of April we decided to finally have a small get-away from our busy work lives. As it was planned way late, we missed out on most of the online tickets but somehow we made it work in the end. Flight experienceAs we wanted to only fly from Frankfurt and not some smaller hard to... Continue Reading →

Weekend in Alsace

If you live around the Alsace region of France and have a weekend without plans, this is your chance to explore something extraordinary. Although each and every corner of Alsace is beautiful and you can spend weeks here looking at all the vineyards and testing the wine, if you just have only two days, give... Continue Reading →

7 days in New York

This summer we had an amazing time in New York. We had never been to USA before so we didn't really know what to expect from the vacation and after the vacation, we had the feeling that 7 days were really less for a city which has so much to offer and we promised New... Continue Reading →

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