Living a life of an Expat is not always easy and time and time come situations where we have to send documents between countries for various reasons; be it banking, invitation letters or any other goverment related purpose. But sending documents reliably might be a real struggle sometimes.
In this blog, we would like to introduce you to a reliable way to send documents to India for under 15 Euros using the services of DHL. If you live in Germany, you don’t need an introduction to DHL.
DHL ships all over the world and the shipping prices depend on the destination country. To check out all the international prices, check out their page for international prices here .In this video we are only going to look at the ways to send packets to India.

Step 1 : choose the package size
The prices for shipping depend on the weight of the package and depending on the item you are sending there might be additional costs at custom control when the package arrives at India. As we are only interested in sending documents, we don’t really need to worry about the custom costs and for just sending some papers which can be folded, we are going to pick the “Päckchen XS up to 2 KG”. Päckchen in German means a smaller packet. It is only possible to buy this shipping method online.
After selecting the desired package size, select the desired destination country. By default in the price the tracking is not included, but then can be booked seperately for few additional Euros and it also provides a smaller insurance with it.
Step 2: Provide address details of receiver, sender and custom related declaration
In the next step, you will provide the details of the receiver in India, the sender( details of you who is sending the documents) and the details related to custom controls.
For customs, you need to declare what kind of package you are sending. In this case, it will be documents and then later you can declare how may pages there are. On average, an A4 page weighs 5 grams so you only need to roughly estimate the total weight for it and also provide the estimated value for it.
Once you are done with all the details, you can proceed to the next and final step of paying.
Step 3: Finalize the payment and receive the details for sending
Once you are done with filling all the details, you can finish the process and pay the amount at the end of it. These are different ways available for payment including PayPal, credit card, direct booking from account or Sofort payment. Once you pay the fee, you will recieve the payment reciept and the details which you will need to send the document.
There will be two pages:
- custom declaration slip : this needs to pasted on the package outside where its visible all the time
- The Page with stamps and address details : This also needs to be pasted on the package where you are sending.
Step 4: Prepare the package and send it from a Post Office
Once you have printed the two pages you received in step 3 and the documents you want to send, next is to preapre your package and send it. If you don’t have package of size XS handy, you can go to your neareast post office, purchase it there, paste the two pages on the document and send it from there.
If you are not buying it from post office, just make sure that the dimensions of your package are within the allowed dimensions. You can then send it from a post office closest to you. You also will get a tracking number which you can use to track the status of your shipment.

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